Salesforce System for Non-Profit Organizations – Our Special Offer

The Salesforce system enables the sharing of all departments in the organization and their work in one place while sharing all information concerning customers and processes. Such a system enables the management of the organization with maximum efficiency.

The project contains a comprehensive solution for the system for managing associations. The project contains all the entities and processes required for the ongoing management of the association, while adapting to its needs and challenges:

  • Management of the association’s beneficiaries – identification details, contact details, personal file, personal history of each supported person
  • Volunteer management
  • Supplier management
  • Sponsorship management
  • Management of donors and donations
  • Management of potential donors
  • Management of events and conferences
  • Contact and mailing management with all contact factors
  • Management of inquiries from the association’s supporters
  • Contacts of the association
  • Management of dedicated campaigns
  • Fast implementation within 3-4 weeks
  • Training and guiding users
  • A mechanism for creating customized reports for the association
  • Connection to accounting software (optional)
  • WhatsApp interface (optional)

*The project includes Salesforce licenses at no additional charge.